Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank you for your continued support!

What an amazing feeling how total strangers can make the world feel just a bit more warm.  Thank you!  Thank you!!  Thank you!!!

Each one of you that have left a kind word, words of hope and donations, it all means the world to us.  Whether it's a "I'm thinking of you" or a $5 donation, it all means a lot.

Thank you!  We continue to look for Clint.  Keep the faith; he'll come home!!


  1. How can anyone do this to a poor helpless animal. I have two schnauzers also and they are my life. I have spend over $35,000 on vet bills when both needed surgery. I still owe around $8,900.00. One had gone blind so I could not bare to have him live life blind so I had cataract surgery done on him. I pray you find the one still lost. It hurts to think he is still out there all by himself. I posted your links on my Facebook page and asked people to share. I also posted the flyer on craigslist. I wonder if some company would donate stuff for a fundraiser.

  2. Brad - Hang in there and continue with your love and devotion to Kevin. He will heal, and hopefully all of your hearts will heal as well.

  3. Please consider using a pet detective or tracker to find Clint. The 1st week is crucial. check out this website. She helps find lost animals. (Lost pets)

    Where can we donate for Kevin's vet bills?

  4. I saw the story of Kevin and Clint this morning (Christmas Eve) on channel 3. I posted both the news story and this site on my facebook page to help get out the story!
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
    May dear Kevin recover soon and may sweet little Clint be found safe!

  5. Keep your hopes up!!! Really hope Clint would return home safe and sound!
